Post by puffthemagicdragon on Oct 28, 2008 14:18:48 GMT 1
Relieved that Odlin made it across the precarious bridge, although, crawling on his hands and knees, Ryxikor is happily amused. Still with his back to the wall, expecting visitors to come through the door at any moment, the elf watches the warrior crash into the water with a splash. A sharp gasp escapes the elf as he stands paralized, not knowing what to do.
"Odlin, what can we do?" Ryxikor whispers to his friend.
Ryx should be at B5
Post by achinca on Oct 29, 2008 20:18:24 GMT 1
Initiative: Augustine, Ooze, Odlin, Stadvas (no init), Ryxikor (no init), Miriam (no init)
Augustine is quick to respond and fires two arrows in melee, now that he has learned the precision shot feat. The first one misses but the second one hit the gelatinous monster. Augustine notices that when the ooze is in water, it looks fully concealed.
The ooze tries to hit and grabs the fighter but fails to do so.
Odlin looks for an easy way for Stadvas to climb but does not see one. A rope would need to be secured and given to him.
Ryxikor is not sure what to do next and really on the wisdom of the hallucinating wizard.
Miriam stands there, frozen by the latest development.
Map: same as before but Ryxikor in B5)
OOC: The rope bridge is slit. Augustine and Miriam will need a way to go down and then up unless they can fly.
Post by Caledonian Achilles on Oct 29, 2008 20:40:06 GMT 1
Odlin looks with frustration at his elven companion "I am unequipped to deal harm to this blob from such an elevation. All I can do is lower a rope and even then I would suggest waiting until the ooze is dealt with so that it is not dissolved"
Stadvas feels uncertain about fending off the monster on his own and continues to try and escape
Odlin will delay (but see below)
Stadvas (init = 12) will try and complete the actions he declared last round. but if he cannot climb out unaided then his actions instead will be to shout for help; and throw a rope up to Ryx; Stadvas will try and hold on to it and climb up (Climb -1) while Ryx and Odl pull him up
Post by nodaisho on Oct 30, 2008 5:29:50 GMT 1
"I can't see it well! Anyone got a way to light it up?" Augustine looses two more arrows at the space where he sees the glob's appendages coming from. Second round attacks on ooze (1d20+4=12, 1d20+4=21)damage: 1d8+1 I was thinking alchemist's fire, but it could just flatten itself in the water and extinguish it.
Post by lefty on Oct 30, 2008 19:44:49 GMT 1
Miriam, unequipped to deliver ranged attacks, and unsure if she should descend, turns to Augustine.
"Do you have rope?"
Post by achinca on Oct 30, 2008 20:36:06 GMT 1
Initiative: Augustine, Ooze, Stadvas, Ryxikor (no init), Miriam (no init), Odlin
Augustine shoots his arrow where he thinks the ooze is. Both of seems to only hit the water and do no damages.
The ooze tries to slam and grapple the poor Stadvas. The gelatinous monster has nearly a grip until Stadvas free himself.
Without rope and with a ooze trying to fight him, Stadvas tries to climb but fails.
Ryxikor stays there, silent, unsure of what to do next.
Miriam asks Augustine if he has a rope.
Odlin is waiting to see if the ooze is dispatched prior to deploying the rope.
Time ticks and the likeliness of the ooze grappling and drowning Stadvas increases.
( Map: same as before but Ryxikor in B5)
Post by Caledonian Achilles on Nov 1, 2008 11:15:25 GMT 1
Odlin sees the sitution spiral out of control. Stadvas trapped alone in an arena of slime with his allies watching like captive arena spectators.
The wizard shuts out the battle noises of women and children dying under crooked goblin blades and feels an urge to turn and flee, leaving his brother to fight a desperate rearguard action. Already he is being swamped and Odlin's finger tighten and twist. Picking up a nearby wooden club, he grips his cudgel and leaps from his hiding perch. [in dwarven] "Rof threah dan droah!" screams the dwarf and he jumps down to confront the ooze
The gruff warrior is partly surprised to see the small dwarf leap crazily from above. But then determines to stay and fight. With a flash he pulls forth his flail and sets about the ooze with military precision.
ODLIN init = 20 (from delaying last round) M: jump -3 = 8 vs DC15 (fail, normal falling damage) M: stand up from prone (provokes AoO) AC 13 vs ooze
STADVAS init = 12 AC17 F: quick draw flail M: move to flanking position with Odlin S: power attack 3 ooze with flanking bonus from Odlin? d20 + 5 = AC19 (damage 1d10+9 bludgeoning)
Post by achinca on Nov 3, 2008 19:54:51 GMT 1
Odlin jumps in the water but sadly falls the wrong way and twists his ankle.
As he gets up, the ooze grapples him and brings him under water.
Augustine stands there, not sure how to shoot and not hurt Odlin.
Stadvas realizes that his friend is about to drawn in his attempt to save him. He swings the flail hard on the ooze.
The impact is so strong that the ooze let go of Odlin and disappears in the crack at the bottom of the floor. (Water came in the room because of the cracks).
Silence returns as the enemy has fled.
Odlin is getting up, wet but safe. He is standing next to Stadvas at the bottom of the area. Ryxikor is standing on one platform. Miriam and Augustine are standing at the other.
Odlin: -5HP of damages (fall) – Currently at 14/19
XP will come when you all are next to Ryxikor
Post by Caledonian Achilles on Nov 4, 2008 8:55:08 GMT 1
Odlin hobbles up to Stadvas and clutches him tightly. "You're okay! you're okay!" he sobs.
When he is more composed he gathers a tally of ropes. If Stadvas is the only one with rope then their decision to return to town is easier to make.
Ryx will have to climb down or jump down then the 3 can use Stadvas' rope to climb back up to join Miriam and Augustine before making a careful retreat to Kingsholm.
Post by puffthemagicdragon on Nov 4, 2008 15:11:16 GMT 1
Ryxikor slowly comes to his wits as he sees the comothion in the water cease and the waters calm. He carefully eases his blades into their respective sheaths and looks at the door, that he stands beside again. The rogue leans in listening to the hardwood of the door, still paranoid perhaps, someone is just beyond the doorway and could come find the group of heros at any time. If he hears nothing, Ryx instinctively, carefully grips the doorhandle and slows turns it to see if it's locked. After checking to see if it's locked, the elf decides to check for traps. If the door is not trapped, Ryx's curiosity finally takes over and he slowly opens the door, JUST a bit to try and peek in. Once he discerns anything he can, he shuts the door and returns to his companions. The young elf unshoulders his worn backpack, unfastens it, and rummages through looking for something at the bottom. Suddenly a look of wonder crosses the elf's face as he tries to remember where he left his length of rope. With a shrug and a smile, as he has lost a few things in his lifetime do to circumstances beyond his control, like the time he left most his gear behind running from a young lass's father, he just always hoped he got something good in return. Ryx re-fastens the backpack and swiftly shoulders it as he walks closer to the water's edge. Checking the depth by how high the dwarf and Stadvas are standing, and trying to leap in a different spot, since the dwarf seemed to injure his ankle when he jumped, could be a rock there. The elf very carefully drops into the water, helps Stadvas and the dwarf to the other side. Once to the other side, ryx climbs out first with the help of the others. When they return to town, he only asks about silver arrows, and purchases ten if available.
listen: 1d20(1)+6=7 search for trap: 1d20(19)+7=26 disarm if any trap: 1d20(17)+9=26 Jump into water: 1d20(14)+3=17 climb out of waters with help: 1d20(6)+ =hmmmm, help
Post by nodaisho on Nov 4, 2008 18:24:03 GMT 1
As they head back to town, Augustine asks "How are we going to set up the rope? A pair of them tied to pitons in the wall?"
I'm thinking one for the feet, one for the hands, far apart enough for nobody to have to lean down to reach the top one, but close enough that everyone can reach it, pitons securing both ends. Whoever has the best climb mod goes over by himself first with the rope ends, hammer, and pitons, if the rope is too difficult to carry while climbing, Augustine can shoot the ropes across the gap.
Post by achinca on Nov 4, 2008 21:36:50 GMT 1
Miriam and Augustine waits on the other side of the broken bridge. Odlin and Stadvas moves towards them. IT seems that the ooze has understood that he attacked more than he could handle.
Ryxikor listens to the door but hears nothing. He checks the door and finds it not locked nor trapped. He finally decides to open it A BIT and it looks like a large room with artful mosaic on the walls.
After that he jumps in the water with amazing elven grace. He stands at the bottom with Odlin and Stadvas, looking up at Augustine and Miriam.
OOC: Do you have a rope? If yes, you can climb and go back to town. IF not, well you have a problem.
DO you want the RP in town or do your purchasing OOC and return to the action here?
Post by Caledonian Achilles on Nov 5, 2008 10:12:47 GMT 1
Odlin turns to his taller companions. "you have a stronger arm than I. Toss your rope to Miriam, sturdy Stadvas and we shall be on our way."
i vote we don't RP the loot in town but only if that's a unanimous decision.
btw speaking of elections, great speeches by McCain and Obama after the result. I thought they were both very gracious to each other. sounded like they understood that the country and the world is in a precarious situation and realised the need for harmony and unity if we are all to get out of this trouble. wish them both the best of luck
Post by puffthemagicdragon on Nov 5, 2008 20:49:55 GMT 1
Ryxikor is quiet on the way back to the town and during the transactions of the group at the store, only mumbling something about being in wet clothes......
Once they get back to the broken bridge and tie off one end of a rope, the elf climbs down back into the water with the others and wades across. The elf seems to move quickly through the area Stadvas was attacked. At the other side, Ryx suggests Stadvas try and climb up with a rope.
I think Stadvas has a better climb than Ryx climb: 1d20(18)=18, awesome that was a good roll!!
Post by nodaisho on Nov 5, 2008 22:27:22 GMT 1
Augustine tries to see which of his companions is having the hardest time climbing up, and when they get within his reach, he helps pull them up.
Aid another for their climb check.
I just realized, looking at my character sheet, that I am carrying too much weight to still be in light encumbrance. Should we rent a room at the inn to leave behind stuff we won't need that isn't too valuable, or would someone be able to carry about 12 pounds of stuff? I wouldn't ask, but if I am at medium or heavier encumbrance, I lose some ranger abilities.