Post by nodaisho on Apr 7, 2009 2:56:35 GMT 1
We at least want to make sure that there's nothing in there to attack us when we are leaving (or running).
Horse-wise, it seems like you ought to be able to move through rocky ground, albeit at a reduced pace. Unless we are climbing boulders or cliffs, at least.
Post by achinca on Apr 7, 2009 14:46:00 GMT 1
STILL NO DECISION ON MULTICLASSING PENALTIES SO STAY TUNED Regarding the horse and the underdark, well your character do not know that they will go in the underdark. Puff is right. A horse would be useless at best and food at worst. Munshroom and fungus grow in the underdark as well as other plants but you do not know if eating them will kill you. I would say hold off for now unless you are gambler. And why can't we reach Epci level??? We are gone all the way to level 4 from level 1? Quite an accomplishment!!!!
Post by achinca on Apr 7, 2009 19:27:03 GMT 1
Decision has been reached for multi classing. The -20% XP rule will apply.
Right now, my records say: Stadvas: Level 4 Figther - human - penalty would not apply Odlin: Level 4 Wizard - dwarf - penalty would apply Ryxikor - Level 3 Rogue - Level 1 Fighter - Elf - Penalty Augustine - Level 4 ranger - half elf - penalty would apply
Post by Ilya on Apr 7, 2009 20:51:24 GMT 1
So, I'm the only one who wouldn't get a penalty. That's amusing, since I'm not planning to multiclass.
Post by achinca on Apr 7, 2009 21:35:21 GMT 1
Actually I made a mistake. For half-elf, the highest class does not count.
so the status is: Stadvas: Level 4 Figther - human - penalty would not apply Odlin: Level 4 Wizard - dwarf - penalty would apply Ryxikor - Level 3 Rogue - Level 1 Fighter - Elf - Penalty Augustine - Level 4 ranger - half elf - penalty would apply (to 3rd class)
So the only one getting hit with a penalty is Ryxikor.
Post by achinca on Apr 7, 2009 21:36:23 GMT 1
Noda, Is Augustine an elf or an half-elf?
Post by puffthemagicdragon on Apr 7, 2009 22:39:39 GMT 1
That bites, I might not take the class in fighter grrrrrrrr. Cuase i'll always have the penalty, cause i will have to keep them within a class of eachother, and i didnt want that. I just wanted a couple levels of fighter to help toughen him up. He gets knocked out in every big fight.
what sux is that taking a level in fighter shouldnt be that hard. Ryx is a rogue, he is a sneaky fighter with some other skills. Taking a level in fighter, just means he fights more. Now if he was a fighter and wanted a class in rogue, well I can see a difference there, there are many skills he has to work on that he never has before.
Post by nodaisho on Apr 7, 2009 23:55:00 GMT 1
He's an elf. Not sure where the confusion originally came from, I've noticed you calling him a half elf sometimes, but didn't think it was worth nitpicking.
I think I am actually going to go ranger3/fighter1, I started making changes to go to 4 ranger before I realized that I wasn't sure that was what I wanted to do. I'll just have to keep the levels close, maybe 6 ranger/6 fighter/6 horizon walker/2 shadowdancer. But then I don't get sneak attack, and I'll need to cross-class the dance ranks (and no, he isn't going to admit to knowing how to dance), so... this will take me a while. Should I plan on sticking with DMG PrCs?
Puff, my suggestion would be to figure out how you can use prestige classes to get the better fighting ability. Or, if you find one that has more sneak attacking, go into that after taking a few levels of fighter. Assuming Achinca remembers to calculate XP differently for people at a lower level, we would eventually catch up.
Post by Caledonian Achilles on Apr 8, 2009 9:56:16 GMT 1
FYI... 4th Ed multiclassing does help people get the "basic" abilities of another class but prevents them from getting any extra levels in another class. so it does appear to be fairer on that point
Post by puffthemagicdragon on Apr 8, 2009 12:54:41 GMT 1
Noda, just a thought, maybe you could put a character sheet up. That would help cut down some of the cunfusion, I think. thanks
Post by achinca on Apr 8, 2009 15:27:36 GMT 1
Sorry Noda, I always thought he was a half-elf. So we have two elves, two humans and a dwarf!
Here is the latest update: so the status is: Stadvas: Level 4 Figther - human - penalty would not apply Odlin: Level 4 Wizard - dwarf - penalty would apply Ryxikor - Level 3 Rogue - Level 1 Fighter - Elf - Penalty Augustine - Level 3 ranger - Level 1 Fighter - Elf - Penalty
So the ones getting hit with a penalty are Augustine and Ryxikor.
This penalty would apply going FORWARD (to keep things simple).
In term of character sheet, it would be so helpful if we could post them the way we posted them i nthe multi-DM game rather than a link. And please keep them up to date in term of AC and other important information. This make my life easier and a happy DM is a better DM!!!!
Post by achinca on Apr 8, 2009 15:31:34 GMT 1
Noda, Puff, if you want to go Ranger 4 and Rogue 4 you can do it. No problem.
And yes Noda, stick to the PH Presitge classes.
Finally Puff, Ryxikor does not go down in the fights. Agaisnt the tomb spider it was odlin and miriam and stadvas who were on the brink!!!!
Post by nodaisho on Apr 8, 2009 23:37:21 GMT 1
I'll put up a text one when I can, unfortunately I can't just copy-paste. I'm thinking I'll take some rogue levels, rather than fighter levels. Probably five eventually (assuming we get to 20th level). The PRCs I want to take levels in are Horizon Walker and Shadowdancer, if those are all right with you. There is a rogue variant, the Wildnerness rogue, found here. I was wondering if I could use it, as the flavor fits Augustine well. It would make no difference to the end character, just to how quickly I go in to Horizon walker.
Post by achinca on Apr 9, 2009 18:31:47 GMT 1
Noda, what part of the flavor do you like in the wilderness rogue which is not in the standard one?
Post by nodaisho on Apr 10, 2009 2:33:43 GMT 1
Augustine isn't a city boy, it seems fitting that he has a more nature-oriented skillset even in other classes. The skills he would lose are dealing with people, the skills he would get are about surviving in and understanding natural areas.